MK Usrati Sdn Bhd was registered on 05 August 2016 at the Malaysian Companies Commission. MK Usrati Sdn Bhd is a wholly bumiputra-owned company that has been running a Poultry Project in Malaysia since 2012.

In addition to that, the company also acts as a consultant for the construction of closed cages with systems and supplies modern equipment systems. The company also provides partnership, guidance and guidance to new entrepreneurs who want to venture into the field of broiler farming.

MK Usrati Sdn Bhd also manufactures and markets products under its own brand (MKU Chicken) as a result of its own livestock and from other entrepreneurs directly marketed to consumers.

The company also provides indoor chicken coop construction services with automatic systems and advisory services to potential new breeders.

The company is also experienced and has its own techniques in caring for broiler chickens from small to large. The company's experience in raising broiler chickens in closed cages with an automatic system of approximately 200,000 thousand chickens in one round.

In the future, the company will aim to produce 2 million broiler chickens in one season. MK Usrati has always been integrated in the livestock industry and the production of quality chicken meat in Malaysia. The company is also working hard to further develop the quality of products that are guaranteed to be clean and halal toyibban recognized by Halal Jakim Malaysia.

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